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Pragmatic Idealism

 Ryan Ventriloquist

Mullsay Publications

21 March 2023

Pragmatic Idealism

            Over the course of the eons of time of the antediluvian to the pre-ancient to the time considered ancient by the ancient past that is now considered ancient according to today’s observers—the city of Xois was already considered ancient by 3,100-2,180 B.C. according to what is inscribed on the Palermo Stone—to the ancient, unwinding its way to the present, it has become less common as one considers and ponders upon motley ruminations to make efforts to fathom up the ultimate idea, as ideas have become more focused on immediate gratification and less steered toward spiritual insights of what constitutes the ultimate life for oneself or one’s community. It would be ironic to consider how immediate gratification would be considered more throughout time, as conveniences have always improved with technology. It would be difficult to hone in on what would be characterized as the ultimate idea, albeit an ideal world, i.e. a utopia, may top the list of lists of ideas that might encompass where the ultimate idea falls out of all lists of ideas. This is why, you might say, it is of use and practical to ponder over what constitutes a utopia. It is also because utopias are a guarantee if people use reason in common sense. It is not a necessary condition for people to possess ultimate reason, i.e. fullproff reasoning capacities, for a utopia to take shape. Although, were a utopia to take shape the ability as such would necessarily develop organically. In this article on Mullsay the Zine U.S.A., I am not discussing what constitutes a utopia, but rather, how to create a utopia.

            In the course of time since philosophy has been around, ever since ancient Egypt with the instructions of Ptah, philosophers have been discussing how to create a utopia. It is one of the central elements of philosophy. In this day in age people are dismissive of the idea of a utopia because of contingent conditions. This is unnecessary. Those contingent conditions are not a problem that prevent a utopia from eventually developing and these contingent conditions can be ameliorated. For instance, the negative impact of global warming through climate change as a result of manmade technology can be reversed if the climate does not drop 1.5 degrees by 2050 and this can happen if wealthy nations cease use of coal, gas, and oil by 2040. There are myriad plans in place that can easily be implemented.

            Pragmatism entails considering the merits of ideas in terms of practical applicability on being implemented in a virtuous fashion. Idealism is the philosophy that involves finding the best situation of a given situation. Often, utopias are reflections of the world functioning in the best given situation. However well-meaning the purpose of a piece of art from the utopia genre is, often they do not consider the best way to implement the utopia. The best way to implement the utopia is through pragmatic idealism because it guarantees a utopia develops and ensures only positive outcomes on the way toward the utopia, moving from the present into the future. Pragmatic idealism is the idea that through practical application of ideas, policies, and proposals in the direction of a utopia, while gazing straight on at a prototype utopia that is derived from a sequence of hypothetical utopias, that is then adopted into a newer prototype utopia that derives from another sequence of utopias, with the latter prototype utopia taking account of the meritorious elements of the previous prototype utopia and how its adoption surfaced into real-life implementation—elements that were adopted from this prototype utopia and translated into real-world success—all the while the elements of the series of hypothetical utopias that stand out as reasonable elements to translate into real-life implementation are voted upon by a democratic order to translate into a prototype-utopia which then goes through a democratic process of votes being taken down regarding virtuous elements of phenomena related real-life implementation, interfusing elements of the real-life situations that the voting body wishes to be translated into implementation into the utopia, followed by repeating the same process of creating a series of hypothetical utopias based on the newest prototype utopia and considerations in relation to how it was translated into real-life success, and hence, there is continuous pragmatic direction toward an ideal future that is always in the direction of virtuous elements of the philosopher’s vision.

            The way to a ideal future is through communication and dialogue between many parties.

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