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The New World Order

Tuesday, August 1, 2023

short autobiography

The name I go by is Ben but my birthname is Benjamin. When someone told my mother that I was the newborn king of the world, she said, "He needs to have a regency. Get him a regency," and it should have happened, but that never came to be.

The way to the world wide net is on the porch of my house. I keep going there to get the internet because I don't have it at my apartment right now. I will now walk to the porch of my house now to post on the world wide net the post of the century.

I am king of the world. I was born king and will always be king, the king of the East, the King of the West, the king of the Jews, the king of Israel, the king of the wide world.

by Ben Bussewitz

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