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The New World Order

Thursday, May 18, 2023

new song

here it is, for your quaint listening ears, you pair of funungles (that's my word, I, Mr. I, Ry, Mr. Rye). (I just wrote this song trying to remember.)

- R

click here for link to .mp3

What I Know about the U.S.A.

Ryan Chief (I) is a citizen of the country of America. America is half the name of two continents (N. and S. America), and the name of a country.

I am king of this country.

That's all I know.

I took a drug to forget the rest.

What does top-secret mean?

Can anyone help?

- Rye

What I Know about Pan-nationalism

Pan-nationalism. That's my term. Mr. R.—I. The humble Jedi.

That's thinking of the whole world as a nation, and wishing the best for neighbors who are on a shared path.

- Ry

What I Know about China

[ - full-scale image of China ]
[(server error, image too large to capture, only R can see. only R can see. only R can see.)]

Humble me, scholarly machine, high-school diploma, K-12 pristine, knows all about the big country China.

China is in East Asia, a country with a border that is shared by several East Asian countries and a European/West Asian country (big Russia). (The big countries are Russia, China, the U.S., and Brazil. That's the bigs. [humble me, scholarly machine]).

China has the biggest population of all nations. If everyone jumped at the same time, the world would fall off its axis. It already has, when China had overstepped its boundaries on climate pollution.

China is not in the ASEAN but should be. The U.S. should be too. All the bigs should be. All the bigs are friends, partners, and allies with Asia.

China's Communist Party pretty much runs the show as far as domestic and transnational policy goes, that's the way it goes, from big China down to run-of-the-mill Mexico (Mexico is one of the run-of-the-mill nations; this is how it goes; the big countries are China, Brazil, the U.S., and Russia [Canada, France, and Germany almost made it, but they're run-of-the-mill], the run-of the-mill countries are all the other countries except the two poorest, Burundi and Central African Republic—those are the small countries.) But the People's Liberation Army serves as a moderating force in the running schemes of governing machines (says I, me, myself, me, I [how many ways can I put it says Me, Mr. I] the humble scholarly machine), and could overstep the Communist Party as the most powerful governing body in the country, were the People's Liberation Communists of China (that's my term) to overstep their authority and go outside the border of the adults' illustration books images.

It's an interesting observation that only I can call myself Me with a capital 'M.'

- R

Saturday, May 13, 2023

Pragmatic Idealism- Second Installment

    Pragmatic idealism can be understood as envisioning the ideal world, and then working through practical steps to achieve the vision. This is why utopias are so useful to the pragmatic idealistic. It is in utopias that the artist opens the engager’s mind to a world unhinged, in the rhythm of the melody of the world working together in symphonies uncontravened splendid. Virtue and happiness go hand in hand with getting the job done, as the ordinary individuals of the polity delight in time’s well-made, and tend to accomplish their most productive work. And with the labor of society working together, with a clear plan and vision, on the road to perfection (idealism), taking practical steps of reason (pragmatism), society is capable of producing tremendous momentum that spills out to a changing epoch in the world’s well-being.




- R


Mullsay, Mullsay, all the way! Mullsay, Mullsay, all the way!

Mullsay all the way, man.

- R