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The New World Order

Tuesday, December 27, 2022

The Urgent Need to Free Immigrants from Detention Centers

It is a colossal injustice that so many innocent people are being held against their will by the U.S. government. Should you be locked up for where you place your feet? That should belong to a bygone age.


- Ryan Ventriloquist

"magic"... a poem


magic is the key word
for success
in the world
and in life,
to do lots of spells
and to be nice about them.
complicated charms that
are charming,
sorcery that is delightful.
imagination that is stunning.
it is good to play wizard,
especially with friends.
with your best friend,
you can take on dragons. 

by Ryan Ventriloquist

Sunday, December 25, 2022

Taylor’s Christmas Present

For Taylor Swift’s Christmas present, by her request, I am dedicating every poem I have ever written and every poem I will ever write to her.

- Ryan Ventriloquist

Monday, December 19, 2022

The People of a Democracy

Written by Ryan Ventriloquist

Democracy starts and ends with the people. The people of a representative democracy elect their leaders into place, into positions that serve the people. The people initiate the governing process and the governing process acts to fulfill the needs of the people. In a good representative democracy, the needs of the people are communicated to the government by the people. The media apparatus and an informed citizenry hold the government accountable. The government serves to serve the people.

In order for a representative democracy to function well, it is a prerequisite that the people possess a good level of education. This is because they elect their leaders and inform the government about the issues at hand. It is necessary information related to current events and the governing institutions is related to the public by a vibrant media apparatus. And it is of the greatest benefit for a democracy when the people engage in robust, meaningful democratic exchange, that involves empathy, sympathy, and utter respect.

The people are the most important aspect of a representative democracy. In the hopes, yearnings, dreams, and ambitions of the American people lies their heart.

Mullsay dialogue—

Thank you for reading what I have shared with you here in this publication. I am sincerely grateful for your engagement in this democratic exchange of which I am presiding over. I ask you to take some concerted time to mull over this piece of writing and then to say your thoughts by responding to the following prompts (hence, Mullsay the Zine). And with as much earnestness and yearning, I ask you to read through carefully and consider the thoughts, ideas, affect, desires, concerns, and considerations of the various people who also put forth comments. If you have input you wish to offer that is not related to what I guide you through in prompts, I invite you to share it in the comments section that is located below the prompts. Please keep in mind, in democratic dialogue, it is of essential importance to be respectful and kind, thoughtful and peace-oriented.

What are the hopes, yearnings, dreams, and ambitions of the American people?

How can the government best account for the needs of marginalised individuals?

by Ryan Ventriloquist

And I invite you to mull over additional thoughts related to this essay and offer your input in the comments section below.

Saturday, December 17, 2022



teia is awesome for blu.
teia is good for blu.
teia is the best for blu.
teia is so wonderful too.

by Ryan Ventriloquist

Thursday, December 15, 2022

part 3 of Taylor Swift's early Christmas present


The treasure chest shown above is from Ryan Ventriloquist to Taylor Swift for an early Christmas present. It is filled with coins from all over the world.

- Ryan Ventriloquist

part 2 of Taylor Swift's early Christmas present

Here are two brand new songs dedicated to Taylor Swift by Ryan Ventriloquist.

Taylor (demo)

treasure chest (demo)

Taylor Swift's early Christmas present, part 1

For Taylor' Swift's early Christmas present, I dedicate all the songs I ever wrote to her.

Here are some more of them:

Don't Sleep

The Best Summer Of My Life

The Best Summer Of My Life (original version)

Hard For Me


Sing With Me Again

Marching Band Parade (Amnesty International Version)


Michael Bloom

You've Got The Rhythm, Go


We Are and Knockin'


So Much Love

Stereo Soundtrack (acoustic)

Red Legs Inside a Dress

The Expert Shad Crab


The Pearl

Scenic Route

I'm Off to the Ball

Oh Darling Clementine (All Better)

I Can't Believe It

Cathy in California

Be Here

I'm Your Mom's Son

Song About Ghosts

With the Music On


Down in a Book

Dwelling in Transcendence

Emily, Emily

Grammar These Days

Guardian Angel

Hamnet's Soliloquy

She's Unbelievable

You By My Side

I Love You For You


- Ryan Ventriloquist

Wednesday, December 14, 2022

Taylor's Birthday Present

Here is Taylor Swift's entire birthday present this year, made public by her request.

(All poems are dedicated to her.)

Part 1 of the early birthday present: click here

Part 2 of the early birthday present: click here

Part 3 of the early birthday present: click here

Next is part 4 of the early birthday present, which was delivered between December 2-12.

the way to up

the way to up
is to climb a hill
stand with pride at the top
then to go to the peak of the mountain's trail.

the way to up
is to stand by the shore of the beach
let the waves break on you tremendously
and then to take to land full speed.

the way to up
is some coffee brewed.
a child sitting at a table set for two
solemnly commiting his life for a holy Jew.

the way to up
is a jug of water
joyfully taken from the well
and talking to the Godhead, the Messiah,
about life everlasting,
water that is never ending
and bread that can feed you forever,
a painted city-gate where you always
hear her voice singing.

the way to up
is deftly steering,
the mainstay soaring
while the captain is waving
a twelve star flag
for the Israelite nation
with fourteen stripes
for each generation,
letting go of strife
and placidly contemplating
the meaning of life
with the whole world spinning,
headed North to land,
by the slant of the Spirit,
stars guiding your way,
an eternal seranade heard up from heaven.
what's it to gain the entire Earth
while you can freely be given life?

Next is the beginning of a utopia entitled A King and a Queen:

A King and a Queen

a king and a queen

blu bought tiea a home
where they could dwell in all alone
and walk to town
to see some faces,
go out and come back to pillow cases,
a comforter splayed out for two,
gold and lavendar embroided tapestry
behind the bed, against the wall,
where they could make love with the stereo on.

upon first arriving tiea and blu
planted a tree, a willow sapling
with wisdom to bequeath,
beside the bubbling creek
where deer pass and go to drink,
and they could wade in, explore,
go where it leads.

they took a raft one day
a million miles away
and saw streams of smiling faces,
for tiea was famous, a dancer,
and they were so grateful she would meet them.

on that journey, they ate berries and leafs
of the mystique tree, hidden ivy towering sheaths
that give rise to many hidden things,
like the most royal castles in all the world,
where blu will lead tiea to live
when they get a little older
and blu and tiea become king and queen.

a king and a queen ii

the two sit down together
on a straw bench,
with rounded arms,
strong, unright legs
and think about
their new house-
being in it together,
and they mention making love forever.
he leans toward her and says,
- oh, how you make me feel blessed,
  every day when i'm with you
  is the best i've ever known.
she turns to him and says,
- i know- how true is that?
  we'll walk together forever
  through anything.
          wherever we go, because of you
          i'm blessed. you are my treasure,
          there's nothing more i could have.
he placidly holds her hand,
keeps looking in her eyes and says,
- we're always together,
  always and forever,
  you make my heart beat strong
  all the day long
  and i am so grateful
  for your wonderful ways,
  your beautiful ways,
  forever and always,
  you are so beautiful
  it's true, i can't get enough of you.
  standing on a cliff, looking at miles of land,
  all i see is you, in my picturesque view,
  i am so grateful for all you are
  you'll always be the treasure in my heart.
she leans against him and says,
- oh, you make me glad,
  wherever we go we walk together
  with God by our side and mountains of joy.
he holds her close and says,
- i am so grateful for you and Jesus,
  your beautiful ways are stunning
  and your faith is overflowing.
  i want so much for you to know
  no matter what happens
  you're always my very best friend
  and i care for you with all i am.

a king and a queen iii

blu and tiea spent a year or so
enjoying their time alone
and getting to know
the townspeople.
they would enjoy eating kiwi
then sipping on raki
and going to see them
in the town hall meeting.
one evening the mayor expressed to blu
- i don't know what to do?
  i had a bad dream
  and it seems to be an omen.
blu interpreted the dream and came to understand
there would be a famine in the land.
the mayor appointed him head of the town
and blu gathered all the townspeople around.
he made a plan to keep them equipped
with barrels of food for the winter
and the ensuing seasons.

in one of the blueberry fields they were harvesting
blu took tiea to walk together in, and to bring her to a place to dance,
they held hands and went on in,
and then said in unison,
- i'll walk with you forever in blueberry fields together.
the blueberries bopped their heads,
square danced and said,
- tiea, oh tiea, we've been waiting for you to dance.

tiea danced herself in a cyclone
of quick motions twirling,
her whole body whirling.
blu and the blueberries clapped and said,
- you're a great dancer! the best in the world!
  you're a great dancer! and a beautiful girl!
then the blueberries sang a mystical song
while blu and tiea slowdanced along.

the town was just fine because of blu's plan
to make the blueberries happy that season
by tiea's awesome sense of rhythm.

they sat 'round the fire and chowed down on blueberries.
and blu and tiea were the happiest in the land.

a king and a queen iv

the town delighted on those blueberries
and, with them, survived two years of famine
and served as a refuge for the neighboring towns
that didn't take as sufficent of action to prepare.

the mayor asked blu about what he should do regarding
the city planning, and blu said,
- trees! trees! plant a lot of trees!
  buildings! buildings! make a lot of buildings!
  parks! parks! fill the town with parks!
and so it was done.

the town became the most prosperous town in the land,
and blu and tiea did many wonderful things,
like going to art museums and taking hikes through the mountains.
it seemed so beautiful how the whole world was spinning 'round.

a king and a queen v

and it only got more beautiful.
o, beautiful.
it only filled with more
for tiea was in it
and she, a fabulous dancer,
was just crazy for blu's romancin'
and before long
the two were declared
king and queen of all the land.

- in this newfound, ever-peaceful federation of nations
  let not the least of men be in yearning for what he cannot have.
  let men establish common unity and bond in high level order commune.
blu continued his speech and then spoke of the queen
- tiea, as you all know, is the most grand dancer
  in all the world. she is fabulous, and she does it
  for all you ladies and gentlemen, all you boys and girls.
  we simply can't appreciate her enough for all she does for us.
  on this night her and i have become king and queen of all the land,
  and now i ask her to share her wise, wondrous thoughts with you.
tiea began,
- hi everyone, you all know me, i'm tiea the dancing queen!
  we will proceed to initiate a dynasty of a loving and just rule.
she explained it some and then they and their posterity carried it out.
it continues until this day.

a king and a queen vi

blu and tiea spent the day
in a melody of conversation about the way
the cross depicts his love for both of them
and all the world, how amazing? blu said.
tiea said, oh joyous harp it's true,
the Lord is great,
i'm so grateful, his awesome ways
are magnificent, and His love is unimaginable.
blu said, yet how strong we feel it,
it fills us up, for He died and He rose,
so we give ourselves up, our lives to the Lord,
for that fills our cup, and feeds us our bread,
miracles for thousands, as the Godhead rules
soverign over Earth, the world bows down to Him,
and respects His order, I am so grateful for His love,
it's unimaginable, it's true- and the amazing thing is
it's for me and for you.

a king and a queen vii

teia and blu in a whirlpool of emotion
levied the chagtzee river in perfect equanimity,
and with wild, unpredictable commotion.

it was just fine, all right, the way the levee shined,
just fine, all right, from the heighest of heights.

in a sweep of perfect motion,
and vertical clouds of the ocean,
a planet was formed,
from the heighest of heights,
from the depths of the sky.

in a unitary cloud of straight lines,
the first man was to see the maker's face,
in a miraculous garden made the right way,
with a heart of sublime fate.

in a quick construct of distant notions,
oh, how the spell was broken,
but with bread and wine, we're doing just fine,
the levees here to stay and we've come a long way.

a king and a queen viii

blu and tiea walked out of their house to the creek
and stopped at the weeping willow tree.
- the tree of life is all i know,
  the precious blood and flesh for every single person.
they told the weeping willow tree they appreciated his aphorism,
and continued along their way.

while they were in the creek wading,
blu asked tiea,
- would you like to talk of faith.
- of course i want to talk about faith, blu.
  what do you have to say?
- it is the greatest gift
  what He did for us
  to save us by the cross.
  The Lord, Jesus, is so loving,
  for He did what He didn't have to do
  and He did it for you.
- oh, blu, i can't believe
  how holy the Lord is.
  it makes me feel so blessed
  He has saved me.
they continued walking and stepped out of the creek
to walk in a field of sunflowers,
the sunflowers danced for blu and tiea
and then they continued along their way.

they passed through a deep section of the creek
with a mild current, blu swam and carried tiea.
tiea asked blu,
- what is love?
- love is right here,
  between me and you.
- aw, i feel it too

a king and a queen ix

blu and tiea established Clay Love
and all the people were happy.

here are a few more poems- the birthday present:

the trolley

through fog, through valleys,
through rivers, through fields,
the Spirit is flowing,
out of this world.
the people are going
to strawberry fields
to eat lots of strawberries
and talk of the land.
the people are watching
the young prince sing
as he snaps his fingers
and does the pristine.
the people are talking
about children of God
and how great they are
for all the whole Earth.
the people are resting,
in meager hay stacks
while Santa Clause is coming
with reideer and a sled.
the people are dancing,
as she sings her song,
all the night long,
all the night long.

the crisp day

in the autumn harvest
we go and then come back
to a new cultivating season,
good for all we have.
without time or reason,
we do all that we've got,
and as the crops are growing,
the radio's on,
playing that 'ol country song.
playing that 'ol country song.

now is the time

now is the time
to go through the closet,
take out what you can,
and give it to goodwill.
now is the time
to take dollars and cents
for the ringing bells
of the salvation army.
now is the time
to go to the nightstand
and mail that donation
to charity.
now is the time
we have in our pocket
to do whatever we please.

and here is the beginning of a poetry manuscript for her birthday:

at just ‘round midnight, tiger and blu rendezvoused
on a cliffside-hanging mountaintop introducing
cupid’s bow seaside, moon crescent idiomatic
with nothing for guessing, as the hound dog sprinted
to the teakettle distance, brewed for a longstanding,
spirited, uninterruptible acquiescence to skin and bone
and all the movements that make blu feel at home.
tiger rubbed his hand across the ruby ball and
it felt something strange, yet inspiring and promising
-       breathe in quick glances and new chances
     the way that indigo flows, tiger said.
-       that is just inkling on top of a sap tree
the roses grew into just enough for feathers
he knew she was coming home.
at the same time, tiea was out on a time crunch
delivering up karl rue’s primetime package
for just after lunch the day before
he said he wanted something more
so she put together in her handbag
a chess set and hour glass, for spilling
a meditation grasp of occasional somethings
just enough to meltdown to
she said she had enough of doing his laundry
and making him show up on time
that the foyer was left open with a large backwards
folding t.v. set on repeat, just so he could eat.
she enjoyed taking care of the elderly,
but she just wanted to spend time with blu.

all poetry on this post was written by Ryan Ventriloquist

Thursday, November 3, 2022

A Path for Peace

A Path for Peace

                                                    Written by Ryan Ventriloquist

Russia, China, and the United States are presently undergoing a vying for power to be distinguished as the primary super-power, a position the United States has historically maintained since the end of the Second World War. There are struggles between nation-states over power dynamics regularly played out in the realm of capital, access to resources, prestige, territorial disputes, and military strength, which fundamentally affect the mental and emotional disposition of the global politic. By a rule, the human family has more peace of mind when there is more peace in the atmosphere. Rather than clenching our fists at one another, all too eager to fight in pursuit of nationalistic gain, why don't we come together, sit at the same table, and be grateful for what we have as we embrace our given existential circumstances where we can share Mother Earth?

There is growing tension between European nations and the United States with Russia, especially since that fateful day on February 24, 2022. It is too bad, because peace is, as always, at hand if we just lay down our arms and collectively ask ourselves: "What happened?" and proceed to form and foster friendships between nations, participate in ongoing dialogue regarding our respective cultures and values, work through historical traumas in peace and reconciliation committees, and forge a path toward a prosperous future.

With Russia positioned on the nexus of both Europe and Asia, it brings one to inquire: "Ought the East and West alike recognise Russia as a indisputable international partner, and as this recognition carries forth, ought both the United States and Chinese citizens look to points of political, cultural, and societal intersection, to fashion common ground, and with this common ground, find common values and perspectives, and, moreover, subsequently, use this exchange as a bridge for unfurling a similar exchange between the United States and Russia, and China and Russia, eventually carrying on this democratic dialogue to other nation-states such as Brazil, Vietnam, Pakistan, Iran, Cuba, Venezuela, and ultimately, ideally, all throughout the world?

Mullsay dialogue—

Thank you for reading what I have shared with you here in this publication. I am sincerely grateful for your engagement in this democratic exchange of which I am presiding over. I ask you to take some concerted time to mull over this piece of writing and then to say your thoughts by responding to the following prompts (hence, Mullsay the Zine). And with as much earnestness and yearning, I ask you to read through carefully and consider the thoughts, ideas, affect, desires, concerns, and considerations of the various people who also put forth comments. If you have input you wish to offer that is not related to what I guide you through in prompts, I invite you to share it in the comments section that is located below the prompts. Please keep in mind, in democratic dialogue, it is of essential importance to be respectful and kind, thoughtful and peace-oriented.

America is considered an enemy of China, and China is considered an enemy of America, but are the peoples of America and the peoples of China enemies?

If the peoples of America and China aren't enemies, why are China and America enemies? And for that matter, why shouldn't they be?

by Ryan Ventriloquist

And I invite you to mull over additional thoughts related to this essay and offer your input in the comments section below.

What is a philosopher?

 What is a philosopher?

                                                Written by Ryan Ventriloquist

It has become commonplace in the field of philosophy to focus on an area of specialization, honing in on one specific element of the vast philosophical terrain, and accounting for that as the philosophical enterprise. In what way do we understand philosophy upon reaching learned knowledge of epistemology and ontology when we lack a high level of understanding in ethics? How could we assert to be philosophically acute when we know ethics and science of mind, but lack in depth of understanding of ontology and epistemology? To know philosophy, one needs to have a profound grasp on how the whole hangs together. Alfred North Whitehead maintains, “Philosophy is the endeavor to frame a coherent, logical, necessary system of general ideas in terms of which every element of our experience can be interpreted.” This is essential to do, because all of our moments in experience fundamentally hinge on our self-constructed philosophical viewpoints on life. Philosophy is a pressing matter indeed. As Lewis Vaughn writes at the beginning of his book, Philosophy Here and Now: Powerful Ideas in Everyday Life, “philosophy is, well, here and now—that is, relevant and current.” Just imagine all the ways our interpretive meanings of moments, events, relationships, religion, morality—the broad spectrum of experience—affect every moment we are transacting with the lifeworld—that is, always. In order to harness experience, to understand the nuanced, integral, and in depth realm of human nature, one needs to see her way around the broad spectrum of existence in a philosophical manner.

            Consider: I could be reflecting on the way a child laughs while I see him flying a kite along the beach and he sees seagulls flying above the kite. In order to grasp this experience, I have an understanding of what a human being is, comprehend human development to make sense of the phase of development the child is in, am aware of the emotion of humor to see what constitutes the laughter, reflect insightfully on how the East impacts the West in order to base my understanding of the kite, go through a profound background in Biblical knowledge to order my experience of the beach, grasp fine biological categories and distinction to make sense of the seagull—and with all this integrate it into an entire philosophical framework for understanding existence which generally functions pre-cognitively in ordering and refining experience. The background of my culture affects this experience, the way I was raised, the religion I subscribe to, my social network, etc., and—first and foremost—how I make sense of these things—all of this goes into that integration toward ordering and refining experience. In order to truly be called a philosopher, I must know my way around all these considerations.

            This goes with all experience. The philosopher carries in her handbag a holistic approach to understanding and making sense of experience. Literally, each moment we are living, we have an entire history of ideas, thoughts, experiences, relationships, and each of these contributes to what it is with what we are confronted. The philosopher pins these all down and brackets them to a well-constructed, nuanced whole in order to properly make sense of what comes their way. To understand epistemology without understanding ethics is not to be a philosopher. It is to be an epistemologists. To understand metaphysics without understanding logic is not to be a philosopher, it is to be a metaphysician. So on. A philosopher understands all these things, puts them together, arranges experience, and dwells in enlightenment.

Mullsay dialogue—

Thank you for reading what I have shared with you here in this publication. I am sincerely grateful for your engagement in this democratic exchange of which I am presiding over. I ask you to take some concerted time to mull over this piece of writing and then to say your thoughts by responding to the following prompts (hence, Mullsay the Zine). And with as much earnestness and yearning, I ask you to read through carefully and consider the thoughts, ideas, affect, desires, concerns, and considerations of the various people who also put forth comments. If you have input you wish to offer that is not related to what I guide you through in prompts, I invite you to share it in the comments section that is located below the prompts. Please keep in mind, in democratic dialogue, it is of essential importance to be respectful and kind, thoughtful and peace-oriented.

What does philosophy mean?

What does it mean to be a philosopher?

What are some ways one can open up the world of philosophy?

How has philosophy impacted your day-to-day affairs?

by Ryan Ventriloquist

And I invite you to mull over additional thoughts related to this essay and offer your input in the comments section below.

Friday, October 28, 2022

a poem- part 3 of the early birthday present

dedicated to Taylor Swift, a birthday poem

a birthday on december thirteenth

there is a december carriage that leads
down a snow-covered path at lingering speed
and rises above the mountains beneath
it's the perfect time of year, december thirteenth.
Christmas is on the way, the air is thrumming
a melodious tune about Miss Queen Stunning
and the moon is a mistletoe we refresh to
and the night is new year, we do this new romance forever

by Ryan Ventriloquist 

a song and a sesh- part 2 of the early birthday present

Here are two more recordings for Taylor Alison Swift's early birthday present.

the catch by Ryan Ventriloquist

rock 'n roll sesh part 1 by Ryan Ventriloquist

2 songs- part 1 of the early birthday present

Here is an early birthday gift for Miss Taylor Alison Swift. Two songs to describe the thrill of the moment:

Friday Night by Ryan Ventriloquist

Taylor's Birthday Song by Ryan Ventriloquist

Thursday, October 20, 2022

2 poems

the river

she is awesome and my honey,
she is sweet and stunning,
she is wonderful and amazing,
i am so grateful for her living.

her life, how great?
how truly great?

her love, how fabulous?
how truly magnificent?

on a willow log the squirrel runs
making new friends with the moss
that mesmerises the lowly worm
in spiral shapes, and brings the
bluebird rest in grace.
the leafs in arresting verdant streams
are wondrous and marvellous,
the elk lay down on them,
and the foxes that drift by at noon
pause at the sight of them.
it stretches to the bubbling river
that opens up in the fog of the morning
and gives a water spawning for miles
at the mystery of springs in mountain twilight,
the sun, melting snow, it rises above calling
goose. and one day i started calling it too,
she was not too far from me,
in my arms it seemed,
in my breath wherever i go,
throughout my life, this much i know,
i go to the river at dawn,
and i see how much God has done.

the daydreamer's gaze

another cloudy, chilly day
tells the story of the daydreamer's gaze,
solitary and wild, still and contemplative,
bringing in a boat full of rainbow fish
just in case the day turns colder
and the town gets some rain,
taxicabs drifting through the horizon,
on their way to a new place and time,
where what is home is silk and wire,
and moose hides and antennas,
going off to some other moon
we keep trying to get to,
some other gravity's ways
and the hope of a better day—
going the wrong way.
running in the window of sparks,
meeting her at the mall,
the rendezvous right at noon,
a bagged lunch of a child,
the hope of a stargazing style,
the air of the open hills and fields,
breathing in crisp oxygen and tilling,
home for the bounty of the reaper,
in the summer sound and atmosphere,
grass and jasper dish sets,
for a turkey basil sandwich,
and new haystack.

poems by Ryan Ventriloquist

Tuesday, October 4, 2022

2 poems

all is all right

in the sun,
i'm with the beautiful one.
she is high caliber in her
faded blue jeans waist high,
white tank top, sparkling blue eyes.
we are wide-awake
on the rooftop
with a medley of sparrows
fluttering in midair
around her hair,
a bird halo,
spinning right there,
arms around each other,
feeling so high,
thinking, 'is this a still life wonder?
i could just dwell in this and always be
on top of it, feeling
just right' it's just right,
so perfect,
nothing can define it,
it's love and bliss,
with overpowering gratitude
for our Lord and Savior,'
fog drifts in from the East
there's nothing else we could ever need,
we see miles through the translucent air
and the view is just right,
in good time,
in right angles and cylindrical triangles,
in a fresh breeze and look down Main St.
there is a marching band parading
to the sound of patiently waiting
and there are eager people clapping
at the crash cymbal on cue,
sent down from the moon,
she is in a purple aura
of peaceful color
and pale sky blue umbrellas,
making up for others' lost time,
with indigo quail falling from
up on high, delicious prizes,
and the presentation,
stately, illustrious,
in this town,
in this city,
in this nation,
in a federation of nations,
all is all right
all of the time.

we are on our way

i'm on a tightrope today,
here today, here tomorrow,
our home crafted with a throne.

a dreamweaver wove my dream
last night, just right,
and her dreamcatcher caught it.
and here we are
wind chimes cooing out
a blissful melody, her noise,
our fresh air,
the moment she said it twice,
it flew through the air,
and it felt just right-
from all of our mutual understandings,
the dim-lit vapor is enough,
tapping on the radio,
her tap dancing shoes are in the
groove, of a siamese cat
from the harlem renaissance
lettin' it go.

and she and i
know the order
of the approach
we let out in
pure motion
of dignified,
brilliant type.

slow motion of the hands over the grapes,
and we are doing just right,
and the crust didn't rise today,
but we are feeling just fine,
we made it this far away,
we're on desert time,
and we're doing what we did yesterday,

worshipping in calm peace.
our Redeemer sent blessings our way,

and we have them today
with no need to worry about anything,
a fertile crescent is not too far away,

we're led there, and
the leading is in tune,
we commemorate the ruins
of century old civilizations
that were grateful passer-bys
directed our way,
passing through where the going is well,
and heading across the land to the well,
to drink some good, refreshing water
a day or two
the time right in tune
the right thing to do
once two by two
forming goodness out of
all things
so we sing
and we sing,

this civilization will not fade away,
it's spreading its wings,
it's on its way,
alive and well,
in embryonic shape,

and we're doing okay what's doing okay
and we're not here to change

and we lift up in praise
and worship
the name above all names.

poems by Ryan Ventriloquist

4 poems about Greece

the way for me

the open air
is in millions of light years
of the timeless serenade
for the passerbys in rethymno
on the form of pattern
in the window light of yesterday,
forgotten today,
home for tomorrow.

the way to the island of infinite life

in the fresh air of Mother Earth,
i am in a barren desert,
cliffs hanging over me on each side,
with just a backpack and a ukulele.
the clouds have parted,
rain will not come.
i have been out all day.
there is a town up ahead
with a seashore
where i’ll get some rest.
the entire way i am in some peace
with the thought of my lover
in my heart, mind, and soul.
she is somewhere far away.
i might not be with her ever.
i could sit on a boulder
and play her to the atmosphere,
release my worries, fend off my cares,
when what really matters to me
is not here. she is not. she is not.
she is not. but with the thin veil
of vapor in this nomadic spiral of space,
i am soothing myself in strains of E
with divinity in her place.

samaria gorge is a long way
from the gavdos shore,
but when apollo arrives
we’ll be dancing the jive
from timbuktu to today’s infinite life.

here to the island of enchantment

for when we first found it,
we anchored to faith,
on a ship from the
noble firmaments of Fragocastello
where the dog was wild
and the lambs reigned free in the olive orchard,
a vociferous and boisterous settled clan
lounged to sunflower seeds, whiskey
and searching for affirmation from fickleness,
good karma through futile meaning of
the turn it all over again routine,
baptisms announcing gunfire of defiance,
blending in with the sand as the American
warplanes soared overhead toward
the regime change in Libya,
a beach made just for the fisherman to sleep
when he dazzles a round of company,
in an open, defining moment
we dropped it down,
held steady as it absorbed into our hearts,
salt settling in the hull of the makeshift vessel,
two broken shells bolted as a walk on water mass,
dizzy from a broken-hearted land,
on the way to an immortal family,
dressed in robes of white,
the derivative of a need to escape,
to fill blank canvasses with color
as the mountain air provides dynamicism
with the rainclouds and lightening bolts,
we stuck to it like octapus to the stomach,
enthralled in what we had and not letting go,
making no one our port except the Son of God,
and it let us into the vision of the graceful, serene
waters of destiny upon which our ship would now float,
over the porecelain vase of ghost orchids
floating through the Spring reminder of our falling,
to take us to this shadow where the light fizzles
and shoots like the stars, to lead us to some Mars,
where there is a statue of Apollo on a crag
over the sea, on the way, to a purple colony
where everything is not how it seems,
and we get lost again in disarry,
our house built on sand does not hold up
against the turbulent elements,
and so we make our home anew
with the past as our distant view,
the repeated history in our hands,
in which we ask the Lord, "will we be salty again?"
because everyone who goes there comes to an end
and this is the way it is, my friend,
the enchanted island is not the right place to be
when you can simply spend your time with Jesus.

making my way home

during the month of june
i wondered who i was
and what love was
and found myself
letting go of the ego.
it started with a ferry ride
to kythira. i reached into
aphrodite’s nest and soaked my hand
in nectar, trusting the sting wouldn’t
catch me. spread it out with apricots and yogurt
on a thinly sliced piece of delicious toast.
carried the wine bottle on a hike
to an oval cliff beside the sea,
drank it down, just her and me
on my mind, how things might turn out,
all the directions i don’t know about,
and on the rubble of a castle in chios,
she was in my dream while they are in reality,
dancing in festivity, well-fed,
knowing they are in peace of authenticity
in a heap of acknowledgement of futility,
and i kept buying phone cards and leaving unfulfilled.
while the thin dirt roads and boulders of Mother Earth
expressed their royalty, i simply wanted the queen.
her head on my shoulders— things like that.
luckily the world kept spinning and breathing came easy.
the dogs and me ran down the winding path to the sea
and i could hardly believe how good they were at keeping secrets.
while the women and men strolled to their ouzo and water meter,
my wild thoughts wouldn’t leave me alone,
like, will she speak to me in 72 hours?
will she accept my offering of a rain drenched flower
from my tears of being away from her,
my biggest heartache? did Christ also tell her
to keep your head held together when times are low?
and her feelings! why do i feel my feelings and not hers?
the oracle of delphi advised me to watch the North Star
on thanksgiving of 2019 to look for an astral sign.
i write this poem in retrospect. that was 2011;
i’ve waited all this time.
and what i can say is on the overnight to crete
winning a game of chess was like a lucky guess,
and when the hammock of the fisherman
came tumbling down, i was oh so grateful for his generosity.
and when we tossed a dog into the sea
i was so happy that the goat was clean.
and her memory comes back to me
but a phoenix was baptized in the Holy Spirit.
now he is a dove.
Jesus Christ is the light,
the Lord Almighty. He is Love.

poems by Ryan Ventriloquist

Thursday, September 29, 2022

"the hidden treasre"... a poem

the hidden treasure

in the wheatfield there remains hidden a treasue
and all at once he laid his hands on it,
and then, next thing you know, he sold all he had
and bought that wheatfield to keep the treasure in.

he read a parable about an enemy who sowed a field with weeds,
but he knew this wouldn't happen to his field,
because this field was in such an ideal place.


by Ryan Ventriloquist

Wednesday, September 28, 2022

A Way to Racial Harmony


A Way to Racial Harmony

by Ryan Ventriloquist

From the time of the original sin of chattel slavery, there has been so much vehemence and antipathy directed toward people of color that it is more than unsettling; it is disgraceful. Racism can be overcome.

There have been lynchings. There has been segregation. In fact, still, more black men than white men receive the death penalty or life in prison in the United States. And in terms of segregation, low-income urban areas have a much higher concentration of black people than other minorities, or the hegemony, white people, and with this newer form of segregation, there is more pollution in the air--which causes shorter lifespans--and there is more crime, as there are less opportunities available to advance oneself in the direction of prosperity and a great livelihood.

There is overwhelming support for advancing black peoples' lot in life, but there is not enough institutional backing or enough support for overcoming predisposed racist dispositions. What is necessary is that the United States make amends to these two fundamental problems.

The way to overcome them is through more support in the collective consciousness of the American people for overcoming racist mentalities that are often ingrained from a young age. And to use the tools of democracy to bring about a fundamental shift.

People need to talk about racist issues in a sensitive and thoughtful way to understand what is really playing out at an interpersonal level between black people and white people that leads to the miscalculus of racism. People need to listen and heed carefully the testimonies of black people to understand what is really going on between minorities besides black people and black people and the hegemony and black people.

With this greater understanding, white individuals and minorities besides black people need to undergo a shift in their more overt tendencies toward racism and their habits--their subconscious habits of racism--by eliminating the former and by bringing the latter to a cognitive level and subsequently correcting them. These realisations can be brought to the democratic fold through dialogue amongst the citizenry to help improve the overall peace in the air. As people take personal steps to correct their racism misdirection, it is inevitable that racism will remarkably improve and institutions across the country will open up to enabling a level of fairness between all people. And these developments will bring us much further down the path to ending racism.

Mullsay dialogue—

Thank you for reading what I have shared with you here in this publication. I am sincerely grateful for your engagement in this democratic exchange of which I am presiding over. I ask you to take some concerted time to mull over this piece of writing and then to say your thoughts by responding to the following prompts (hence, Mullsay the Zine). And with as much earnestness and yearning, I ask you to read through carefully and consider the thoughts, ideas, affect, desires, concerns, and considerations of the various people who also put forth comments. If you have input you wish to offer that is not related to what I guide you through in prompts, I invite you to share it in the comments section that is located below the prompts. Please keep in mind, in democratic dialogue, it is of essential importance to be respectful and kind, thoughtful and peace-oriented.

by Ryan Ventriloquist

And I invite you to mull over additional thoughts related to this essay and offer your input in the comments section below.

"swept up"... a poem


swept up

swept up in a big anticipation,
the event is not too far off,
so we weave perfect baskets
for the festivities—
to leave gifts in and such,
all kinds of surprises,
long-awaited and expected things,
because we know how much they mean—
that is the way this will go
from all around the globe,
that is the way it comes,
it is a great blessing for everyone.
and that is all truly fact,
and that's that- truly fact.
and while we bask in the sun
in the calm, quiet radiance of the Lord,
aware of only His peace,
we breathe and we breathe,
and i know nothing can get in my way,
because that's the truth He led me to today,
that is the truth, it is His way.

by Ryan Ventriloquist

"bright air"... a poem


bright air

i am in a peace of wheatfield,
filled up with the fresh air,
blooming with the leafs of the mustard tree,
rejoicing over everlasting life,
in the faded ruby indigo chair,
sipping tea with both my hands,
the strawberry hues are a great delight,
such a remarkable taste. i celebrate how He has saved me.
there is water you drink and never grow thirsty again,
in the peace of the love of the Lamb.
i am in the peace of cylindrical motion,
as quietly i take the cup.
she told me to just take my blessed time slow.
there is bread you eat and never grow hungry again.

by Ryan Ventriloquist